Midtown Lodge Photos Page 3

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Midtown Lodge Pool
The photo on the right dates back to the 1980's. Notice the carpet by the townhouses as opposed to the tile that was there in later years.
The photo on the left shows the baby pool. At one point there was a slide going into the baby pool but it was removed sometime in the 80's.
Video Footage of Midtown Lodge's Pool
Poolside Rooms
Some pictures of the poolside rooms. Notice on the last two photos the slate tile in front of the porches. This tile was put down circa the late 90's but didn't hold up well and was replaced with tile seen in the pictures above it in the mid 2000's.
The large porches of the downstairs poolside rooms. Notice on the photos below that the carpet was replaced with tile.
A close-up view of the poolside room porches.
The photo on the left shows and upstairs poolisde room inside circa late 1980's. The photo on the right shows the maids waiting for room 503 to awake.
The front side of the poolside rooms
Midtown Lodge Page 4